Food Finisher

Made in Germany

The allrounder for permanent vacuum, salting, marinating and mixing for a better colour and tenderness!

The Food Finisher, designed specifically for Eberhardt food press systems, makes product finishing efficient. The Food Finisher’s open system allows interchangeable 500-litre containers, filled up to 85%, to be used. This eliminates the need to reload products, even during longer downtimes.
The mobile tumbler drum can be operated permanently under vacuum. This helps to improve the microbiology, increase efficiency, ensure hygiene and raise occupational safety.

Halving of the salting time

Doubling of the capacities

Protection from external influences

No more annoying shifting

More intense in taste

Vacuum sealing significantly improves the taste of the meat. Spices and salt penetrate more intensively, resulting in a more tender and juicy result and increasing customer satisfaction.

Longer shelf life

The Food Finisher ensures a longer shelf life of the products. Vacuum sealing removes the air that is responsible for the growth of bacteria and mold. This keeps the meat fresh longer and preserves its quality.

Aromatic perfection

The Food Finisher ensures an even distribution of flavors. By vacuum sealing spices and salt are spreaded homogeneously inside the meat, resulting in a consistent taste and providing customers a constant quality.

Improved consistency and better redness

Vacuum sealing improves consistency, preserves moisture inside the meat and prevents drying out until the products are formed and prepared for the smoking or drying process. Raw ham products only lose water during pressing in the food press systems. The result is a tender and juicy meat that delights customers.

The Eberhardt Food Finisher is a real enrichment to the food industry and sets new standards in product refinement. Discover a new dimension in meat processing with the Food Finisher and increase the efficiency of your Food Press systems.

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Made in Germany